There's a Dark Secret in the FIRE Movement—Here's Why It’s Good News
FIRE - Financial Independence…Retire Early!!!
We strongly suggest you spare 5 minutes⏳ to dive into this article (link below) and grasp the FIRE🔥concept, along with strategies to accomplish your goals.
The author discusses the potential for HIGHER 📈returns through private equity investments: “Higher-yield real estate investments can help change the math, but the broader point remains: It takes years, and usually decades, to reach real financial independence. Even when you invest in group real estate investments targeting 15% to 25% annualized returns like I do, the math to become a millionaire 💰is nothing to scoff at.”
Our Take
Naturally, the author hopes you'll consider 🤔 exploring their investment option, but we'd be remiss if we didn't also suggest 🔍 looking into the broader "private equity" 💼 landscape, of which we are just a small segment.
Tony Robbins also touched upon private equity in a recent interview🎙️ (Tony Robbins on Private Equity). Some highlights:
For the last 35 years, PRIVATE EQUITY has outperformed every stock market in the world!
The S&P 500 has a 9.2% compounded rate of return per year, over the past 35 years.
The average PRIVATE EQUITY compounded rate of return per year is 14.2% compounded, over the past 35 years. At this rate of return, money compounds 50% 💹 faster than the stock market!
The only downside, is that your money is typically invested for at least 5-years.
Procrastination⏳ only postpones Financial Independence... Schedule an appointment 📅 with us today and discover the possibilities.
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Source:, March 10, 2024